Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Learning Korean (for free)

Since I've been living in Korea, there hasn't been much time available to study Korean in person. There is a Korean Class that has been running in Gwangju (not to be confused with this Gwangju) but unfortunately my work schedule interferes. Therefore, I'm left to search online for Korean lessons.

Enter Talk To Me In Korean.

This site is free and provides detailed yet fun lessons. I'm not trying to sound like a fanboy or anything but I truly love this site. I know there are many more people out there who love TTMIK and I think the website deserves a shoutout! In my years of trying to study multiple languages, I've found it difficult to find something as easy to use, educational, and FREE as TTMIK. 

Each lesson comes with a PDF to follow along with and can be accessed either from the website or through iTunes after subscribing to the podcast. If you'd like using the site another way, there are more options. You can receive updates by email, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, or simply by subscribing to their RSS feed. If you want to be truly dedicated, just subscribe to all of these and you will never go a day without seeing a new post from TTMIK. There's also a community feature that connects users through a chatroom as well as multiple forums.

For more free and great help with Korean, you can also check out the Korean Wiki Project. They are listed as one of TTMIK's affiliates and provide a good background for those learning Korean. Since it's a Wiki, KWP doesn't hold back in the Korean topics displayed. The website includes dialects, tidbits about grammar, vocabulary, and many more things to help improve anybody's knowledge of Korean language.

If you can think of anymore resources for free Korean or any other language learning, let me know! As far as a website that incorporates audio and visual aids, TTMIK is the place to go! Supplement that with the Korean Wiki Project and one can easily become a well-rounded Korean student. 


  1. I like TTMIK a lot!!!! I quited learning laguages since a long time because I didn't find good materials in the net too, but with Talk To Me In korean it's incredible, everything is there: mp3, pdf... and all for free...
    I think there is no other site like this in the net!!
    thankyou TTMIK team

  2. thank you TTMIK Team ,,, you are all so genius!! i like you All ,, :)

  3. I want to learn korean language so much until I can speak and write korean alphabet .. I hope TTMIK blog can help me
